青青首檔展覽!緩緩入森林 Strolling to the Forest,蘇 修白 Oliver Su的旅行,影像,文字展 緩緩入森林 Strolling to the Forest喻森林為一個不曾停止改變追求理想的理想國度 千年以來,森林中萬物消長,維持著動態的平衡,而未見其有顯著的變化 而襯衫現實中,人們也許是正以永續性的思考模式,持續地在追求更理想的生活環境 緩緩地旅行,尋找未曾見過的而存在的理想國度們 William Morris說:如果別人能看見我所見的 我的夢將不再是幻想 而是理想 展覽內容為創作者在學習建築過程中,從刻意放慢生酒店工作活的步調開始,體驗旅行地的人事物,然後以影像文字敘述情境,表達個人於旅行中的體悟與見解。其作品中,透過簡樸的圖文描述,可以感受他個人對於「慢態度」的強調,並期待觀者在當下與未來能感受「慢」所帶來的愉悅。此展覽除了分享創作者個人的價值設計裝潢觀外,亦為其個人學習建築過程中階段性的檢視:「緩緩入森林」為其慢地旅行於理想國度之間,同時也是指他正式踏入學習建築的開始,而期許在未來實踐他創造理想生活環境的理想。Strolling to the ForestThe forest is a utopia that people pursuing 辦公室出租an ultimate utopia.From thousands of years, creatures in an ancient forest grow and die, maintaining a dynamic balancing. In reality, people are trying hard to seek an ideal and sustainable living environment. By traveling slowly, 居酒屋I look for the existing ideal places that I have never been before. William Morris said, “if others can see it as I have seen it, then it may be called a vision rather than a dream.” “Strolling to the Forest ” is an 酒店經紀exhibition showing the images made by Oliver Su, and it is composed of the photos and writing which related to his personal perspectives of traveling. His works are described in a simple and comfortable way and it can be find that 烤肉食材he puts much emphasis on the behavior of “being slow”. He hopes that the viewers can get the happiness from his works at the moment and moreover in the future. Additionally, he regards the works as a milestone on his beginning 裝潢way of learning architecture, encouraging himself to fulfill the goal of creating an ideal lifestyle for people. 蘇 修白 Oliver Su嘉義市立蘭潭國中美術班國立嘉義高中美術班國立台北科技大學創意設計學士班捷克科技大學建築學院 交換學生澎湖民宿專班 2010 廣達文教基金會「游藝漂鳥計畫」首獎2009 Swatch「瘋時尚,尬潮流」創意設計大賽優選2009 桃園縣政府文化局「創意小桃子」設計競賽第二名2009 高雄國際貨櫃藝術節「貨櫃創意模型」《異質構築ing》入選參展2008 全國高中職圖像應用設計大賽新成屋(VIS設計大賽)第二名

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